Community Media Day

October 20, 2023
If you are planning events and activities that day or week, let us know by becoming a partner! The website has great ideas and resources you can use to celebrate community media in your area.

Check out what our members are doing! 

BronxNet will celebrate Community Media Day with the broadcast of two special programs that reflect our commitment to community building, and to media access and inclusion.  

1.) Food Insecurity PSA: Featuring Lewis The Lizard
One in four residents in the Bronx faces food insecurity, a rate 1.7 times the state average. BronxNet’ artist Jonathan Friar developed a PSA featuring  BronxNet's very own animated character Lewis the Lizard, to let us know what we can do to help solve the problem.

2.) Bronx Currents: Community Media Advocacy Day
Community media centers from around New York State joined together with producers, partners, elected leaders and supporters for Community Media Advocacy Day in Albany on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Watch here .

The PSA and Bronx Currents will be broadcast back-to-back at the following times:
Friday 10/20 at 11am, 6pm and 10pm on Ch 67-Optimum and Ch 2133-Fios.