Central States Region

The Central States Region includes the states Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky.
Website: http://csregionacm.org/
Central States Region Board of Directors
Chair & National Rep – Matt Richardson
Vice Chair - Elizabeth Lord Cary
Secretary – Otto Boschet
Treasurer – Steve Sobel
Marketing/Communications Chair – Melissa Bondy
Philo Festival of Media Arts Chair – Melissa Bondy
Ohio/Kentucky Chapter Chair – Steve Sobel
Indiana Rep – Otto Boschet
Member at Large - Tim Neumann
Central States Regional Events & Awards
Central States Annual Conference and Trade Show
Central States holds an annual conference every year in one of the 4 region member states. Each conference features informative sessions from Alliance professionals on topics from legislation, new techniques, fund raising, and social activity. Conference attendees are also encouraged to visit with various vendors at our Trade Show held the full day of the conference wherein vendors showcase new equipment available to the PEG Access community.
Philo Festival of Media Arts
The Philo Festival of Media Arts is all about you: the media producer! It’s a unique combination of competition, collaboration, educational and creative content hosted within and by the Central States Region Alliance for Community Media. The event offers invaluable networking opportunities and immersion into the creative art and the rapidly evolving world of independent media. The festival features professional speakers, creative minds, and notable mentors that are there to help you tackle the latest media making trends and technology. And of course…the awards will be given to honor and celebrate your amazing work!
Roxie L. Cole Leadership Award
The Roxie L. Cole Leadership Award is our way of recognizing community leaders that make all the difference! The award is given to the person who exemplifies the spirit of access television in the community. This person is a leader who has effectiveness, initiative, energy, skill, authority and vision and who have made contributions in their community. This person can be a Volunteer, Producer, Board Member, Staff Member, or Community Activist.
Erik Möllberg Grassroots Scholarship
The Erik Möllberg Grassroots Scholarship is a way to to help offset conference costs in hopes of encouraging ACM regional leadership, invite greater diversity of participation, enhance and expand your access experience, improve production skills and expand your knowledge of public, education, and government access organizations. Assistance is limited to those (a) current, paid individual members of the Alliance for Community Media who reside in the 4 Central States (OH, KY, IN, MI) or (b) you must be an active producer, board or staff member affiliated with an organizational member of the ACM (ask your access manager to see if your organization qualifies).
About the Central States Region
Words from the Central States Region website:
It is no mere coincidence that the Alliance for Community Media (ACM), was formed in the heart of the Central States Region – Centerville, OH to be specific. This region has consistently served the organization with leadership and programmatic support that continues to this day.
Although the Central States Region takes pride in having provided solid leadership and laudable good deeds for our members and the ACM as a whole, there is something far more important about what we are doing. It has something to do with individual commitment to mission and a sense of “doing the right thing.” In essence, the Central States Region of the ACM has developed a culture of people caring about mission AND each other. THAT is what makes the CSACM Region special to those of us lucky enough to have served in any official capacity. It is also why many of us have chosen to continue to serve on the CSACM Board of Directors despite professional and personal challenges that would otherwise turn us away. One of our many mantras says it best: 'What we do is not about technology, it’s about people.' "